Below is a list of all podcast interviewers (current and past).
- Social learning and belief updating
- Behavioural development economics
- Experimental economics
I once made it to the finale of a choir TV casting show where our choir performed only covers and medleys of Eurovision Song Contest songs.
- Pro-environmental decision-making
- Laboratory and field experiments
- Attention and salience of information
What I study is important for decision architects, and good jokes…. timing, or did I tell that wrong. Only time will tell.
- Incentives and commitments
- Risk preferences
- Temporal discounting
I can speak four languages.
- Health economics
- Energy economics
- Development economics
Fun fact
- Non standard risk preferences
- Expectation formation
- Experimental Economics
A Harry Potter fanfiction had a major influence on my research interests.
Laura Fritsch
Research interests
- Culture and social norms
- Belief revision
- Illicit corporate networks
Fun fact
I got a scholarship to study painting at university but accidentally fell in love with economics. My parents were upset.
- Economics of crime
- Economic analysis of law
- Behavioural mechanism design
I once hiked up an active volcano in Guatemala while it was erupting.
- Social networks
- Development economics
- Beliefs and social norms
I am a trained Hindustani classical music singer and can sing several ragas.
- Microeconomic theory
- Behavioural economics
- Experimental economics
I can do a very good impression of the sound a Moka coffee machine does when coffee is ready. It’s still the best prank I play on my brother – it works EVERY time.
- Human behaviour
- Well-being
- Development
I have starred in a Bollywood short film.
- Behavioural game theory
- Social norms and culture
- Development economics
I have read more than 500 fiction novels and enjoy writing in my spare time.
- Game theory
- Level-k reasoning in auctions
- Experiments
I was cruelly dismissed from my job as a grape picker (in Bordeaux) after a mere two hours of work.
- Conditional cash transfers
- Economic development
- Economics of sustainability
I was featured as “Swedish boy lost in mountain area” on Norwegian tv and radio when I was 14.
- Individual decision-making
- Choices under risk and ambiguity
- Individual and social preferences
I substituted weightlifting with Economics.
- Self-control
- Image concerns
- Preferences for information
I did the opposite of Billy Elliot: 10 years of ballet followed by 5 years of kick boxing.
- Behavioral and Experimental Macroeconomics
- Central Bank Communication
I have hiked the Inca Trail for 4 days in Peru, but have never actually seen Machu Picchu.
- Human behaviour
- Beliefs
- Social interactions
I have been to more than 30 countries.